
Specialization in

Oil and Natural Gas Production

Why choose the Specialization in Oil and Gas Production?

The current situation in the oil industry requires professionals with solid training in the fundamentals and technologies that allow the development in technical areas in oil and gas production.

The Specialization in Oil and Natural Gas Production has a dual methodology that combines theory and practice, including visits to oil fields to understand the characteristics and dimensions of the rig used and the habitual tasks in the oil field

This specialization is intended for:

Engineers from different branches, geologists, and physicists who wish to acquire complementary knowledge to perform suitably and effectively in the oil industry.

Modality:  Virtual.

Duration: 2 years

Class attendance schedule: 1st year, Monday and Tuesday, and possibly Thursdays, from 6:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m. 2nd year, Monday and Tuesday from 6:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m.

The participants of the Specialization in Oil and Natural Gas Production may apply for a double degree program in IFP School in France to obtain a Master of Science Degree in Reservoir Geoscience and Engineering. Those professionals interested in this program shall contact the Department of International Relations at ITBA.

Double Degree


Degree granted: Specialization in Oil and Gas Production

Accredited in session CONEAU Nº96/16.

Ministerial Resolution Nº 244/09 EX-2021-38002097-APN-DAC#CONEAU

Basic technologies cycle 

Applied technologies cycle

Specialization cycle

Basic technologies cycle 

  • Introduction to the Oil Industry
  • Geology
  • Geophysics
  • Well logging
  • Fluids and Petrophysics

Applied technologies cycle

  • Drilling
  • Well completion and Repair
  • Production
  • Reservoir Engineering
  • Surface installations
  • Fieldwork

Specialization cycle

Reservoir branch

  • Geostatistics
  • Well testing
  • Reservoir simulation
  • Enhanced and Secondary oil recovery
  • Reservoir projects evaluation
  • Comprehensive Final assignment

Production branch

  • Reservoir development – Production
  • Drilling II
  • Integrated Production Management
  • Reservoir projects evaluation
  • Comprehensive Final assignment


Juan Rosbaco


Martín Alvarado
Fernando Arilla
Daniel Astesiano
Mario Bernardis
Ingeniero en Petróleo, U.N. Cuyo. Se desempeñó en Ypf, Inlab, Bridas y Pan American Energy, actualmente es Consultor independiente.
Guillermo Frati
Agrimensor e Ingeniero Geodesta Geofísico, UBA. Postgrado en Intérprete de Datos Sísmicos, Universidad Nacional de Córdoba.
Gastón Fondevila
Ing. en Petróleo, ITBA. Ing. de Reservorios, CAPEX SA
Marcos Gardini
Daniel Ghidina
Ing. Químico, Universidad Nacional del Centro. Ing. en Petróleo, UBA. MBA, Universidad de Palermo.
Darío Gonzalez
Ingeniero en petróleo (ITBA), MBA (IAE). Gerente de operaciones de Río Negro para President Petroleum.
Edgardo Lanussol
Marcelo Limeres
Geólogo de Exploración, Desarrollo, Operaciones Geológicas y Producción. Experiencia internacional como Director General en Guinea Ecuatorial.
Rogelio Luperne
Ing. en Petróleo e Ing. Industrial, ITBA.
Juan Moreyra
Ing. Químico, Universidad de Santa Fé. Posgrado en Ingeniería de Yacimientos Petrolíferos, UBA.
Carlos Ollier
Ingeniero Electromecánico, Orientación Electrónica, Universidad de Buenos Aires. Especialista en Registros de Pozos.
Gustavo Palomeque
Ingeniero en Petróleo ITBA.
Horacio Piagentini
Eduardo Pose
Ingeniero Industrial, ITBA.
Alejandro Saccomano
Pablo Subotosvky
Ing. en Petróleo, ITBA.


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(011) 3754 – 4731